WE HAVE A GRANT FOR A NEW, BIG CRASHMAT from Glenorchy City Council. Thanks & God Bless them and keep them in the grant giving business!
Next we want to approach the schools in our area and offer them Aikido safety training.

New schedule: After Kids and parents class 9.30-11am we will have a general dojyo clean up and maintenance Sat 18th Oct. followed by a BBQ 1pm and training 2-4pm aprox.
We now have a Samurai Club Page. See the new link.

Samurai Kids Grading Day & Family BBQ

Saturday 17th May was a beautiful sunny day and after successful gradings for all participants we enjoyed a delicious BBQ together. The slideshow below is from the day. If parents & families would like copies of pics, please ask the senseis & we can arrange a cd or prints for you.